Teacher Reflections

Author: Arpan Chokshi

A Special Thanks to 2020 Students

Source: Unsplash I normally write a reflection at the end of the school year. However, given everything that has happened in 2020, I wanted to take a moment to breathe, reflect, and appreciate the incredible resilience our students have shown this past semester. Below are just a few of the experiences I’ve had since August

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9 Ideas to Help Plan for Hybrid A/B Schedules

The start of every school year is filled with exciting beginnings and opportunities to try new activities & lessons. This year is different.  Anxiety levels have reached unprecedented levels as we try to make plans that will quickly change depending on the spread of COVID in their communities. Many districts have chosen to start the

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Coaching Teachers Who Just Don’t Think Like You

During the 4th annual Illinois Council of Instructional Coaching Conference I was able to attend Jane Kise’s keynote: Coaching Teachers Who Just Don’t Think Like You. Although her talk was chock-full of instructional coaching strategies, one insight really stood out: “There are no resistant teachers, but rather, only teachers whose needs during change have not

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2017-2018 Reflection

The end of every school year leaves a gnawing feeling of self-doubt: What more could I have taught my students? How could I have developed their skills further? Did I truly inspire anyone? Did I change how they view themselves or the world? As I sit in front of empty chairs and desks I’m trying

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Mindful Minutes Everyday

Teaching is one of the most stressful professions in the world. From debating whether I used the right approach while dealing with a challenging student earlier in the day or mentally crafting an email I plan on sending a parent after school, the stressors of everyday teacher life lead me to constantly think about what

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5 Potential Pitfalls: What you should know before adopting an LMS

As more schools go 1:1, students and parents are demanding a central hub for organizing the rapidly growing number of digital materials teachers are creating. Google Classroom, Schoology, Canvas, Edmodo and other Learning Management Systems (LMS) have helped many schools tame this digital information explosion; however, as with any remedy, there are side-effects you should

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6 Tips for Facilitating Discussions on Race with Predominantly White Students

Teachers at predominantly white schools, especially those in conservative communities, may be reluctant to discuss race in the classroom. However, it is precisely in these communities that conversations about how race, ethnicity, and other social identities are critical for broadening students worldview. Here are some ideas on how to have these conversations based on a

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10 ways to adjust instruction based on formative assessment data

SOURCE: ASCD      You’ve collected exit slips, spot checked students’ homework, skimmed their Google Doc, seen the results from a Google Form,  Pear Deck, Formative or Socrative. What do I do next? In this era of student centered-learning and data informed instruction we know we should be formatively assessing our students frequently. However, what should

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