Teacher Reflections


For the past few years I have been reading other teachers’ blogs and have found it invaluable to my growth as a teacher. Too often, I find myself applying ideas and taking risks that some teachers at my own school  do not immediately  encourage. There are a number of excellent teachers, but I haven’t had sufficient time or opportunity to speak to and learn from them.

So, I have decided to record my journey as at teacher online in hopes of growing as an educator while soliciting ideas and feedback from the global education community.

There seems to be an unofficial guideline for teachers to not share their ideas through twitter or blogs at our school because we may open ourselves to criticism from our immediate community. I welcome such feedback.

Here are some of my aspirations for my classroom:

  • I want my classroom to be filled with students who are engaged in meaningful, authentic work they plan and direct.
  • I want my students to ask powerful questions and learn how to find answers
  • I want my students to use technology to gain access to people, ideas and tools but also deepen the relationships with others in the same room.
  • I want my students to make mistakes and learn from them.
  • I want my students to be passionate about learning.
  • I want my students to read, write, speak and listen often and well.
  • I want my students to teach me.

I plan on periodically sharing my ideas on this blog and hopefully gaining meaningful feedback from others.

Thanks for reading and welcome!

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