Teacher Reflections

Category: Assessment

10 ways to adjust instruction based on formative assessment data

SOURCE: ASCD      You’ve collected exit slips, spot checked students’ homework, skimmed their Google Doc, seen the results from a Google Form,  Pear Deck, Formative or Socrative. What do I do next? In this era of student centered-learning and data informed instruction we know we should be formatively assessing our students frequently. However, what should

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Teacher’s Sanity: Late Work, Re-Takes, Pacing

Progressive teachers for decades (perhaps centuries!) have long advocated for deemphasizing grades, developing various methods for re-learning concepts & skills, and providing students multiple opportunities to demonstrate learning. These  ideas have found a renaissance of sorts with the the recent movement towards standards based grading, mastery learning, competency based learning, and allowing students to submit

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SAT v. Grit: What matters in life?

Another season of SAT, ACT and AP testing is upon us. Teachers and administrators are beginning to stress whether their students are prepared for the tests and how students’ scores will reflect on their performance. Students are worried the tests will reveal how smart they really are and whether they will be a success of failure

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Rethinking the DBQ

Offering students productive diversity creates memorable learning experiences because they are tailored to students interests & needs. Productive diversity encourages learning activities in which students: are designers of knowledge work collaboratively to offer feedback differentiate the process & pace of learning reach similar but high goals I recently tried to offer English Language Learners productive

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Formative v. Summative Assessment

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJxFXjfB_B4] I just saw this video by Rick Wormeli and found it to be a good refresher on the difference between formative and summative assessment. The most useful insight was the steps to effective descriptive/written feedback: Help student discover or point out what the goal of the assignment was Indicate where the student is

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An A+ Student Regrets his Grades & Finland

I just read an article, An A+ Student Regrets his Grades, that reminded me of my own schooling and reminded me what I aspire to be as an educator. The passages that resonated with me most were: “Education is not confined to the walls of a classroom; it stretches well beyond that. Valuing success above all

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